miércoles, 25 de noviembre de 2009

La Troika

A los hombres de valor!
Ni cielo ni tierra, sólo el blanco deslumbrante del de¬sierto nevado... la troika avanza.
Ulpiano Otero (1905-1977), natural de Mieres (Astu¬rias), llegó a estas tierras en su adolescencia y fue correo oficial de Río Gallegos a Cancha Carrera entre los años 1936 y 1953.
Aquel crudo invierno de 1939, bloqueados los caminos para los vehículos a motor, obligó a Ulpiano a dejar de lado a su Ford y echar mano a este carruaje, que utilizó entre el destacamento Crash y Cancha Carrera. Enhebran¬do las estancias que hay a lo largo del trayecto; las fatigas y las estepas heladas que afrontaba en sus travesías, no doblegaron su aguerrido espíritu celta, y gracias a ello la comunicación no se interrumpió.
La troika perteneció a don Rodolfo Suárez, quién la trajo de Suecia y la obsequió a don Pedro Verlika (descu¬bridor del paso cordillerano que lleva su nombre, al sur de El Calafate); sus partes yacen aún en la estancia "Lolita", como testigos silenciosos de esforzadas gestas.
Vaya pues este homenaje a las acciones heroicas, antes que el inexorable paso del tiempo logre sepultarlas en el olvido.

De las memorias de Daisy Cormack, Alejandro Verlika y a la memoria de + Dña. Elvira Clark de Ru.

The troika 1

Neither earth nor sky, only the dazzling white of the snowy desert... and the 'troika' advancing.
Ulpiano Otero (1905-1977), originally from Mieres (Asturias, Spain), reached these parts in his teenage years and provided the official Post Office delivery service from Río Gallegos to Cancha Carrera 2 between 1936 and 1953.
That harsh winter of 1939, roads cut off to motor vehicles, obliged Ulpiano to leave aside his Ford and take up this carriage, which he used between the outpost Crash and Cancha Carrera, linking up the estancias that are along the way. Battling tirelessly across the frozen wastes on his journeys, fatigue did not break his tough Celtic spirit and, thanks to that, Communications were not interrupted.
The 'troika' belonged to don Rodolfo Suárez, who brought it from Sweden and made a gift of it to don Pedro Verlika (who discovered the pass through the mountains to the south of El Calafate, which bears his ñame). Its remains still lie at the estancia 'Lolita', silent witnesses to the heroic efforts.
So then, this is a testimony to his exploits before the inexorable passage of time succeeds in burying them in oblivion.

From the memoirs of Daisy Cormack, Alejandro Verlika and to the memory of doña Elvira Clark de Ru.

1 technically a “troika” is a type of Russian carriage pulled by three corses, but for spanish – speakers, whose language and culture does not incluye a Word for tradicional horse – drawn transporto ver snow , it was used here to indícate and exotic horse – Draw vehicle from a land of snowy wastes – as can be seen it is in Fac. a typical horse – drawn sleigh. The spanish Word for “ sleigh” is usually associated with a small kiddies’ sledge , or a low flan – bed trailer for hauling a large load.
2 one of the border crossing points into Chile , south of R{io turbio, over in the SW corner of Santa Cruz province.

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