miércoles, 16 de diciembre de 2009

La radio

Tomás Luis Barbería Duran (1896-1969).
Este argentino nacido en la ciudad de Avellaneda, hijo de un vasco francés y una gallega, viajó en su niñez (9 años), al país de origen de su madre, España, donde reci­bió primordialmente educación rural y mecánica.
Dotado de una lúcida inteligencia, prontamente en su juventud se vinculó a una empresa dedicada a la radio­difusión y participó en el montaje de Radio Pontevedra, adquirida a la R.C.A. Víctor.
Escapando del régimen franquista, retornó a la Ar­gentina en 1937, comenzando a trabajar en esta última empresa norteamericana, que había sido contratada por la Sociedad Anónima Importadora y Exportadora de la Patagonia, para el montaje de la Cadena de Emisoras de la Patagonia.
Llega a Río Gallegos en 1938, encargado de la instala­ción de LU 12, que por aquel entonces se definía como “La màs austral de las emisoras argentinas”.
Dedicado a la actividad privada a partir de 1945, fue fundador de "Casa Barbería S.A.", empresa que presidió hasta su fallecimiento.
Hombre de gran personalidad y bonhomía, se distinguió por su empuje empresarial y se le recuerda como al guar­dián de "la voz santacruceña en el éter."
Los habitantes del gran erial, le deben a su responsa­bilidad la compañía que la radio brindó a la sempiterna soledad.
Casado con Pilar Sayanz Núñez, dejó numerosa descen­dencia (Leopoldo, José Luis, Emilio, Demetrio, Patricio y Aurora).
Quiénes tuvimos el privilegio de conocerlo, lo recorda­mos por su simpatía y cordialidad.
De las memorias de José A. Agraso.

Ubaldo González Pedemonte

The Radio
Tomás Luis Barbería Duran (1896-1969)
This Argentine was bom in the city of Avellaneda (Buenos Aires province), son of a Frenchman from the Basque región and a woman from Galicia (Spain). In his childhood (aged 9), he was sent to his mother's homeland, Spain, where he received first and foremost a rural education and training in mechanics.
Gifted with lucid intelligence, early in his youth he got involved with a radio broadcasting company and took part in the setting up of Radio Pontevedra, acquired from R.C.A. Victor.
Escaping from the Franco regime, he returned to Argentina in 1937 and began working for that North American company, which had been contracted by the Sociedad Anónima Importadora y Exportadora de la Patagonia1 to set up the Patagonian chain of broadcasting stations.
fie arrived in Río Gallegos in 1938 in chargeof setting up LU12, which in those days identified itself as "the southernmost of Argentine broadcasting stations".
From 1945 he worked in the prívate sector, setting up the company "Casa Barbería S.A."2, which he directed until his death.
A man of great personality and bonhomie, he was noted for his business acumen and is remembered as the guardián of the "voice of Santa Cruz in the ether".
The isolated inhabitants of the great wilderness have him to thank for the companionship provided by the radio he was responsible for, reaching out to them scattered over the endless lonely wastes.
Married to Pilar Sayanz Núñez, he left numerous Offspririg (Leopoldo, José Luis, Emilio, Demetrio, Patricio and Aurora).
Those of us who had the privilege of knowing him remember him for his friendliness and cordiality.
From the memoirs of José A. Agraso.
1 the trading company set up in the pioneer days to serve the sheep-rearing estancias, provisioning the rural community, exporting the wool and meat and importing livestock for breeding etc. c/f "View from the docks" p.27.
2 a large retail store in Rio Gallegos specialising in domestic goods and appliances, a pioneer in those days before such items were so widely available through the supermarkets and chains that have taken over the market in recent times.

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